
Upload Document


Upload a document to be indexed and used for search.

Note: Uses a base url of

This is a multipart/form-data request. The contents field should be a file upload. It also expects a JSON body with the following fields:

  • add_to_index_names: list[str] - Optionally include the names of all indexes that you’d like this document to be included in
  • external_id: str | None - Optionally include an external ID for this document. This is useful if you want to re-upload the same document later when its contents change and would like it to be re-indexed.
  • label: str - A human-friendly name for this document. Typically the filename.
  • keywords: list[str] | None - Optionally include a list of keywords that’ll be associated with this document. Used when performing keyword searches.
  • metadata: dict[str, Any] - A stringified JSON object containing any metadata associated with the document that you’d like to filter upon later.


This endpoint expects a multipart form containing a file.
add_to_index_nameslist of stringsOptional
Optionally include the names of all indexes that you'd like this document to be included in
Optionally include an external ID for this document. This is useful if you want to re-upload the same document later when its contents change and would like it to be re-indexed.
A human-friendly name for this document. Typically the filename.
keywordslist of stringsOptional
Optionally include a list of keywords that'll be associated with this document. Used when performing keyword searches.
A stringified JSON object containing any metadata associated with the document that you'd like to filter upon later.


This endpoint returns an object
The ID of the newly created document.