Manage Organization Access

Organization Join Policies

Organization administrators can configure how new users are added to their organization through the Organization Settings page. This includes the ability to set up automatic join policies based on email domains.

Domain-Based Automatic Join

When enabled, users with pre-approved email domains can automatically join your organization upon signup without requiring a manual invitation. This feature is particularly useful for large organizations that want to streamline their onboarding process while maintaining security.

To configure domain-based automatic join:

  1. Navigate to the Organization Settings page
  2. Locate the “How new members can join” section
  3. Enable domain-based automatic join
  4. Add approved email domains to your organization’s verified domains list

Managing Verified Domains

As an organization administrator, you can:

  • View existing verified domains
  • Add new email domains from a list of domains used by current organization members
  • Remove domains from the verified list

Manual Invitations

For users whose email domains aren’t pre-approved, administrators can still manually invite them to join the organization. This provides flexibility while maintaining control over organization access.

Best Practices

  • Regularly review your organization’s verified domains
  • Consider starting with a small set of verified domains and expanding as needed
  • Maintain a list of which domains have been approved and why
  • Periodically audit organization membership to ensure appropriate access
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